Foster & The Grave Dancers

Oklahoma City, OK
Foster & The Grave Dancers is a band from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma comprising of Madeline Young, Zak Tharp, Dillon Carpenter, Mason White, and Madison Lucas. Foster and The Grave Dancers are bringing pop punk back to OKC, turning stories of growing up and moving on into catchy headbang-worthy songs. Foster & The Grave Dancers aim to help question some of life's hardest milestones while eluding a "never-take-yourself-seriously" attitude. This fall, Foster and The Grave Dancers release their debut EP "The B-Sides". Foster & The Grave Dancers want their listeners to feel like old friends when listening to their music and hope those listening are able to feel seen, even during some of adulthood's weirdest moments.

© MMXXIII Catapult Recordings
a division of the Catapult Recordings Group
Made with & in Oklahoma City